Thursday, December 29, 2011

Did Someone Drop You on Your Head as a Child!?


Yes, as a matter of fact someone did drop me on my head as a child.

“There’s something I’ve always remembered and I don’t know what it is. It’s black and there’s something very cold in my throat?,” ” I asked in my early twenties.

“I didn’t know you remembered that,” my mother said. (link 2 maren Name) “ you almost died.”

“I don’t really remember - I just remember something very cold in my throat and black-”

Nothing but black. And warmth. Not the type of warmth that is about or at all concerned with temperature . Nor was it the warmth of good manners. No the not at all frightening while all encompassing black was accompanied by a very particular warmth and quiet.

Quiet, not all quiets are the same. There is the so quiet you could hear pin drop-

-because you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop.

And too the quiet of absence, the absence of any man made mechanized sound. The near absolute quiet of being under water. The roaring quiet of tension so thick it is as if two conch shells were placed over ones ears. Absolute waveless stillness- it was that kind of quiet in the black warmth but a lump of cold in my throat?

I always wondered but hadn’t bothered asking until my early twenties. For just like my name the question might well be a secret Martha had been keeping and had recently been purging.

“It was summer very hot, unusually hot for Minnesota” my mother said over the phone “we had just moved, no air conditioning - so I gave you an ice cube to suck on. You choked, turned blue -the phone hadn‘t been on yet- we had just moved…”.

‘That explains the lump of cold,’ I thought finally being able to place this odd recurrent sense memory.

“I was three months pregnant- couldn’t call an ambulance, the neighbors were an acre away so I couldn’t run for help.“

I eventually did the math, both sets of tabulations. I was twenty months old and M(om/artha) was three or four months pregnant with my younger sister .

“So I picked you up by the ankles and shook you up and down hard until the ice cube came out or you would have died.”

That last part was more information, more information than even she knew was telling me and much, much more than I need to know.

For she had been so proud and self congratulatory “I did the can- can with you till I was eight months pregnant,” Martha had said. The conversation had been about eth benefits of exercise and the recent medical research announced and being disseminated: better for baby and moms to stay active during pregnancy. Martha had sat in the driver’s seat of the Volvo and patted herself on the back. For she had done just that, stayed active, did the can-can into her eigth month, until she could do it no longer when she was pregnant with me. Even though that went against her doctor’s advice. it wa sthe opposite of what she and most women were told. She hadn’t rested and taken it easy. On the other hand 20months later while I turned blue choking the acre was too far, too much exertion, too much of a risk. But Martha had shared these two truths so far out of range of each other, six years or more that I know she never really knew what she’d said, revealed.

Was the child in her already more valuable than I? Yes. Did she follow the rules and medical advice when it cam to that child? Yes, for running to the next door neighbor just at or after her first trimester was far too great a risk. Whereas with me doing the can-can into her third trimester , until she just couldn’t manage it anymore had made perfect sense.

I was the middle child though most records will tell you I was the eldest but there was another who came before me. Him she drowned in alcohol, by her own account. Me she drowned in milk and tried to shake loose. By the third pregnancy I guess she’d decided to give motherhood a try.

“You almost died,” she said of that re-current memory of death and ice and peace “You cried…stuttered for a couple of weeks- because you’d been scared.”

Except I wasn’t scared. I remember how I felt in the that black warm blanket of quiet.

I’m sure I did cry but I suspect it would have been being back that frightened me. Back to quiets that weren’t quiet at all, frightening darkness-es and lights, scalding warmths and cold- but not in my throat.

The contrast would have been what made me cry. The contrast.

SO yes someone did drop on my head as a child.

After which I had evident speech difficulties(stuttering) and balance problems for several months but children are in a state of neuroplasticty. There was a hold over was in the visual center, the same center which would again be bruised but this time by the force of a baby grand landing on my head, twice. A visual problem involving tracking and (essentially) aperture/depth of field adjustment. Worse because it wasn’t the first time?

I do the eye-brain exercises I did as a child again? Yep, and hope that maybe, maybe some day I’ll get to be like all the other kids.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The 8 Ball

I have improved substantially. I didn’t realize how substantially the amnesia/file retrieval difficulties had improved until recently. AND am glad I ignored medical advice and concentrated upon improving them.

Recently it came into sharp/er focus just how vulnerable living in a state memory-less-ness and without the capacity to form or remember a narrative can and could make a person.

About a decade a go, a few months after my third major head injury a friend asked “Have you seen Memento?” and recommended I rent it because “You’ll relate to it”. I did.

The brain injury was difficult on anyone who knew me before, including the dog, because who I was - I wasn’t anymore.

I’d had a stenographic video-like memory, could follow and cross reference complex material/s and then- poof- all that was gone. I’d look away from your/a face during a conversation and with that turn of my head- the memory of your face, your name- who I was talking to - who I was sitting next to in relationship to the topic- all that information would be gone- immediately and instantaneously. No idea who I was sitting next to, had just been speaking with and often I was still speaking I just had no idea to whom. That turn of the head and whoever, or whatever, was there just disappear/ed.

‘Pop quiz - who’s sitting next to you right now?’

If I wasn’t looking straight at them- I had no idea. Heck it didn‘t take long for me to forget whether or not there was someone there. Nope I’d turn my head and whoever- whatever disappeared. Visually- that’s still true but improvement of short term memory and being able to construct a narrative has helped.

“Segmented consciousness,” a girl from class had called it.

”Segmented consciousness” damn sight better terminology than what I was hearing from the SC(UM) medical profession within the Confederacy of Dunces. “You really had your bell rung?” was the reply I’d get whenever I asked: what happened to me?

What can be done? “Done- nothing you’ll be better in six more weeks” “six more weeks” then “six months” and then (and without warning) “you may be like this for the rest of your life”.

Ten years, a lot of work and an unwavering belief in neuro-plasticity - and I do remember. I can. Some.

The amnesia’s way better, I figure I just have to keep rebuilding a section at a time. The book of faces I had figured it would help: old names from old files arranged with and amid old as well as age/time adjusted photographs and then recently there was/were the following exchange/s.

“The old gang,” said one of those face-n-tags recently from within c/hat.

“…the old gang…“

The old gang?

“We didn’t have a gang” I informed the digital estimation? The cat in the ©hat or is it c/hat? An old friend’s beau. An old defensive line-man? Or was it offense?


I really have and did work on getting my memory back. Why? The more neurons I have reconnecting and able to fire- the better? That’s been the hope; plus its weird when people talk about their lives, tell stories and you literally got noth-in.

Odd too, recently there was a chat or c/hat or a ©hat with some1 wherein we did have a gang.

“Best Secret Santa,” my old eight grade locker-mate/buddy declare(s/d).

No, that is incorrect- I instantly and sadly knew.

“Eight grade?.. I wasn’t your Secret Santa.”

I remember who I was 8th grade Secret Santa to - and it wasn‘t her. See there was a story- a whole thing which could be summarized in the following Aesop-ian caution:

Don’t judge a Christmas stocking (or a Secret Santa) by the top layer as you never know what might be just a bit farther down (at the end of the week).

Believe? Hope. Trust- I’m not your friend so I can screw you over. By the last Secret Santa day of 83/84 I was redeemed-


Me, I hadn’t seen the point in daily bits of knick-knack and believed it would be a greater gift - a better gift that could really be used, enjoyed and perhaps remembered?

Though she may have preferred something store bought everyday. I didn’t take into account that she might, understandably, have been disappointed most of the week. “Best Secret Santa,” (!)allegedly my old 8th grade locker-mate/buddy inaccurately beamed across the digital divide as and in c/hat.

No I wasn’t - not in that year of baked goods, clove pierced citrus and Jean…

Do you really remember me?

Do I really remember you?


Do I know you or is this just another layer upon another layer of masked balls danced upon a web while tracked inside a net?

(The 8 ball says yes and no on that one)

What if I hadn’t worked and worked and worked to reroute the old wiring- connect the disconnected and reclaimed the files that were temporarily lost? Out of bounds? Unfound? Not allowed? Access restricted? TBI amnesia -ed? (Because once upon a time - I had one the best memories around.)

If I hadn’t worked to get that back would I have simply believed and accepted the input a computer screen was presenting me? Would the following have become my truth because I’d been fed the data:

“I was my locker-mate/buddy’s Secret Santa in the 8th grade”

Would I have just gone with that?

Had I not worked on the amnesia and re/built those routes and paths- if those files weren’t now super easy to get to and totally accessible -I could have even been sold on that: so, so easily. And by who? Or what.


My old locker-buddy-mate? Who back in the day did actually shoot straight with me. The girl who‘d clue me in when someone wasn‘t being straight with me - someone I had love/d.

I brought bourbon balls into Middle school!?

Yes! That’s entirely plausible and probably entirely true - except that’s not what happened, not entirely.

To me they would have been a low cost item/baked good already around for the holidays wherein I could bring something, give something that day that didn‘t cost hardly anything and thereby give something really big on the last Secret Santa day. That was not really the best kind of Secret Santa perhaps but that‘s the kind of Secret Santa I was…

... And I wasn‘t the c.hat friend‘s secret Santa that year.

Merry/Happy Kwan-ukah-ristmas-solsti-tick-tock--tick-tock-how-many-sh(o/i)pping-days-are-left-Every(1/one)!

E/specially 2 u of the 8th grade crewcru.

(I really do prefer)


PS: I wasn’t entirely accurate with you recently. I was actually a communications ma(j/g)or which at a small school is/(can be) like creative writing. And like journalism. And there was plenty of both. I also got credit within my major for poetry writing, screenplay writing, playwriting, technical writing, in-depth reporting, editorial writing…( worked hard to get some semblance of all that back too.)

I was a Writing Major?

Except that Major didn’t and doesn’t exist at my college.

“Creative Writing Major” - I spent a good deal of time (the major-ity?) writing, much of it creatively. Even technical writing is creative- (loved that class) but they only seem to hire engineers for writing manuals. Which of course is why VCRs were flashing “12:00” all over the nation and the world for nearly two decades.

Anyway hope that clears up any inadvertent confusion from our c/hat per my course- of study.

I like/d your Mom- glad to hear she’s living a love story, and hope she is.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Q: "So what have you been up to? /How r u doing?"

TBI: Life without the (brain’s) ability to trail make

Picture a hallway. There are five doors; 4 are brown. 1 is white and leads only to utility closet, is color coded white and doesn‘t enter into the following equation.

So a hallway, four doors, all brown, each a slightly different size, and each of the four brown doors with a slightly different finish to the wood.

How long would it take you to differentiate between these four doors? To learn and know automatically what was behind each of these four doors?

Behind one door is a bedroom, behind one door is a bathroom. The other two doors are closets, one closet door is narrow and corresponds to the shape of the bathroom, behind this door are linens and toiletries. The other closet door, of the four doors in this hallway, contains coats- the shape of this door corresponds to the shape of the bedroom door

How long would take you to memorize behind which door was what? Or to imprint the kinetic memory?

A day? A month? Imagine if it took months- months just to know what is behind which door in the building in which you live. Months to not keep making that same mistake over and over and over again as simply to which closet you can find a towel and which closet you go to for a coat.

How long would you be gong to the bedroom and be pulling the door to the coat closet?

But that’s this apartment, 2009-2011.

In my first apartment after the crash (2001) I spent four years (2002-2005) looking for the silverware drawer and trying to find which cabinet contained the water glasses.

Putting away a load (or two!?) of laundry was an all day event

and sadly

is still taxing.

Not like it was, that’s what I ever say: I’m much better, I’ve improved more than you can imagine. The thing is people don’t have much imagination for what a TBI, or anything really, is on a 24-7, 12 months a year or 356 days anything is or could be.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Flawed designs

An FB "friend" - too loose a term- old acquitance made what may have simply been snarky comment per another blog and pointed out that I'd mixed up my Hoovers (Shannon Armstrong wherever you are I did not confuse that one). Despite messing uo my Hoovers- I still like that and my purple show entry.

And Yes- I may suck as a writer but I had to work very hard to get to where I could baseline write again so



FB " Herbert Hoover was the President before FDR; J Edgar Hoover was the director of the FBI who kept dossiers on everyone and supposedly liked to wear dresses.

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My reply:
"Damn- now that is the sort of thing I used to know. ( I had profound amnesia after the TBI so in addition to relelarning my life - ther ehave been little details like that- the sort of mistakes I never made before because I could count on my brain to remember and retrieve information and do all sorts of things you do every day and have no idea the sheer and (often embarrassing) and frustrating hell that is to be: the Scarecrow"
Hoover: The President who presided over the beginning of the great depression- who GWB was regularly compared to and also was a character o Spring Break '88 in Fort M., FL.
I could rewrite the below- though the names of the players may change the game is still the same- and I don't much like the game.
"about an hour ago FB acquitance "think my point was that I can't list how to post an ad in two or three steps as with some of the things you've asked me about Facebook. It's a little more involved and I'd have to do it myself.

By the way I read some of your blog posts and you write well."


I shudder to think which ones.

The web- just a place throw bottles stuffed with verse into the surf -hoping that they might find a missed shore's edge.