Wednesday, November 21, 2012

An Apology: Give Ground Zero Back

"In 1492 Columbus, "  this is a song we were taught in school and if you are from the UNited mayb eyou were too.

If you were not born in the United States of America here are the lyrics:

"In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue," except that given the history that would have come and that we' ve all seen it would more properly be:

"In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean red". Red with the blood of native people. Red with the blood of the slave trade. Red with the blood of every living creature that could be trapped. hacked, eatten, worn, experimented, torture and killed.

"In 1492-" - who?

Demons sailed that ocean blue and turned it red.

"America's a free country," - no it was free a country and peolpe were free until european "nobility' decided to spread their own personal brand of slavery to two more continents.

America was a free country- maybe it can be again?

To the tribes my family 'displaced' (that's a nice poilte word for it) - my sincere apologies and may ancestors know peace. May those us who come from those who robbed you of the peace in which you and your people lived - some of us hope we can build back to the superiority of your race.