Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Attention Herbert Hoover

Dear Herbert,

Is it okay if I call you Herbert? Well I just did so if it’s not- oh well! Plus you’re dead so…sorry about that but according to current rumor your memory has been stripped and you are now living in an undisclosed location BUT just in case you are still in the loop I thought I’d give you an update.

Remember those dossiers you kept on oh so many if not all of us- you know the ones those beatnik-hippie-flower-power-types gave you so much crap about even after you were dead?

Well sir you’ll be gratified to know their children and their children’s children have completely embraced the concept.

Shocking I know- so I hope you’re sitting down and wearing a dainty frock for this.

Oh and if the dress thing was just a vicious rumor then I take back my last comment but the truth is sir: if you liked wearing dresses then I hope you got to be put in a woman’s body for your next round trip. After all you did for your country - you earned it.

The dream of citizen dossiers has finally come true. I know you always knew the day would come so maybe its not such a shocker but here‘s the twist: would you believe the citizens themselves are creating them? I myself have created a substantial dossier on myself including pictures, thoughts, beliefs, preferences, contacts, former contacts.

Future contacts?

No that’s the job of the N(A)SA and I wouldn’t want to step on any toes.

Plus would you believe it all happened just like President Jelly Bean said it would? I don’t know if you and President Jelly Bean ever met formally but I feel sure his dossier made for interesting reading. He was an actor after all. Since I think you missed that chapter I’ll fill in the blanks. Redemption went like this: Profits are the ultimate good.

But that wasn’t a very catchy jiggle so someone wrote him great lines about a city on a hill and that we could spend our way to it. Actually he said we’d spend our way out of debt. Sounds like something out of Alice’s not so wonderful trip to a deck of cards doesn’t it?

See by the time President Jelly Bean came around Coke was no longer a delightful beverage which made voodoo economics much more appealing and nearly everyone bought the lines as President delivered them so very well.

Fastforward and here we are today on verge of an IPO for something called the book of faces: the ultimate synergy of citizenry and commerce. Imagine it sir: intelligence gathering, entertainment and profits all wrapped into one. Though you and President Jelly Bean “died” the “dreams” didn’t die with you but are alive and well and living in SIM cards everywhere.

It’s beyond anything you ever dreamed about for if the zoot suits ever do a round up they’ll know just who to look for, where and through whom but really it would and does make more sense simply to route and/or reroute, deny and prevent access or provide it this way and that. Perhaps in such matters it’ll earn the players more points or more chips- as whatever their form they’re largely one and the same.

Gotta pay that guy at Styx after all -or at the very least keep up with Joneses on Quasar 5.

Lastly Herbert I hope you’re enjoying the educational programming President Jelly Bean willed you: Strawberry Shortcake. But I suggest not following their fashion sense- one girl to another. That and should you and President Jelly Bean ever meet towards the hike to Big Rock Candy Mountain: Beware! I hear Ike is still broadcasting and suspect he’s none too pleased at a blind march toward a military-industrial-social-network-entertainment- program.

I know, like anyone would ever watch that show!



(As if !)

PS: (Ididn't) disabledland.com/dandruff-is-a-germ-disease-newbros-herpicide-1900
PPS:(Idid) http://beholdtherelish.blogspot.com/2011/10/herbies-purple-shoes.html