Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Confessions of a Former Superhero

I didn’t know I had superpowers at the time.

I didn’t know I had superpowers until I lost them.

Superman, as you may be aware, had x-ray vision; Mad Eye Moody could see in 360 degrees. I too could do both these things and just never knew they were superpowers.

Okay- I couldn’t literally see through a wall in the sense that if you were standing on the other side of a wall I couldn’t say what you were doing or wearing or how many fingers you were holding up but I could remember the room. And unlike Mad Eye Moody I didn’t have a device that could report all conditions in all directions at the same time like an owl that didn’t have to turn his neck …but I knew where I was in relationship to my environment. I had an innate relationship with space: where I was and what was in front, beside and behind me. That’s one of the superpowers I lost

How much of losing one’s super powers is a single incident and how much maybe cumulative?

My brain and spinal cord, aka the nervous system, had its third major incident (fourth depending on how you look at the crackhead on Cannon Street with a butcher knife who pressed down so hard on my face (so I’d stop screaming and get down on the floor))…well that collapsed the right side of my sinuses and to avoid him snapping my neck I did relent and went to floor. A couple months later an x ray was taken and my neck had gone nearly straight.

So maybe I had my third or my fourth major incident of an attack on my nervous system and it was the last one, the 3rd or the 4th depending on how you’re counting, - the most recent one that cost me my super powers, the ones I hadn’t appreciated or known that I had.

I learned a new vocabulary word recently:

What that word means- well occasionally its not some form of being in a horror show. I was on a walk recently and per usual I turned around surprised at what was in front of me because I turn my head and the page is blank. So I turned and even though I had just been walking in the direction of and clearly seen the line of crab apple trees in front of me- my brain forgot what was there but this once, once because it is a rarity, there was something not jarring but lovely. Lovely enough that all the horror of not remembering was removed.

What was it? Oh just the way the moss the looked on a branch after a rain…but I had completely forgotten that the branch or the tree would be there and had been there so it was new again to me. Usually though this lost information? Processing challenge?- whatever, is simply frightening.

From a kinetic standpoint - and that’s what I don’t know that the medical profession even considers about ----------- is at its core losing your geometry.

Whereas REM sang about “losing my religion” I lost my geometry but I kept trying to keep up despite being off by a few degrees here and there, not having my body lined up or able to line up correctly for what I was about to ask it to do, though in truth, for what I was about to make it do.

Being off by 5 degrees may not sound like much - but cumulatively it is and becomes and become a new set of “challenges“ or issues, spawning and spreading through the physical system as if born from a hydra.